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It All Begins With ME!


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"1 in 4 kids cannot afford to participate in Out-of-School time activities. We help!"

Kevin Van Norman established Opportunity4Kids with his brother, Jeff Van Norman, because he witnessed too many unfair opportunities for kids due to their financial status.


Being an athlete as a child and a coach throughout his life, Kevin experienced the benefits of extracurricular activities first-hand. Participating in football, baseball and track created structure for him and helped him become goal-oriented.


Also, through participation in sports, Kevin was able to learn how to deal with success and failure; these life experiences carried into his adult life, along with the great friendships he formed because of his involvement with sports.



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During Kevin's 20 plus years coaching kids, each year he saw one glaring problem; families who could not afford a baseball glove, could not pay for a musical instrument, or struggled to find the means to pay for the airfare for a trip the child had earned!

Benefiting from extracurricular activities himself, Kevin decided to personally sponsor underprivileged children who were unable to participate because their families could not afford it.

For years, Kevin helped provide opportunities for many children but wanted to do more and encourage others to do the same.

After discovering that there were no local organizations that provided the opportunity for a child to play a sport of their choice, Kevin decided to start one himself. It was at that point, Kevin got his brother, Jeff, involved. The non-profit was originally called Equipment 4 Kids. The game plan was to expand their reach by collecting donations and using the money to sponsor even more children who wanted to participate in a particular sport by funding the expense to join and then donating the equipment the children needed to participate.


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Kevin and Jeff were inspired every time they helped a child to be able to participate in an extracurricular activity because they understood how the small act would significantly impact their lives. ...Kevin and Jeff then began to think about all of the other children who wanted to be a part of an extracurricular activity, but were interested in something other than the mainstream sports programs.


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Kevin and Jeff then began to think about all of the other children who wanted to be a part of an extracurricular activity, other than sports. For instance, there were children who were interested in playing an instrument but could not afford the expense of one, or the cost of lessons. They wanted to help these children as well.


The foundation's purpose was expanded to help not only athletes, but also to accommodate the dreams of children who wanted to participate in extracurricular activities outside of the mainstream sports programs. Hence, the subsequent name change reflecting its new purpose; Opportunity4Kids. 

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Regardless of whether you form a nonprofit organization yourself or become involved with an existing one, “at the end of the day… it is about what you’ve given back. - Denzel Washington"

Opportunity4Kids is a Qualified Charitable Organization (QCO) under Arizona State Law. Donations of $400 (single-filing)/$800 (joint-filing) qualify for the QCO Arizona Tax Credit. Please consider donating to provide AZ youth with the opportunities they deserve!

Opportunity4Kids is organized to change the lives of children; to foster sporting and extracurricular participation; to promote healthy and active lifestyles; to further mental and social development; and allow equal opportunities for all children.

Kevin and Jeff have continued to lead Opportunity4Kids’ Board of Directors as the organization grows each year, providing resources to hundreds of Arizona youth! 

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Kevin Van Norman



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Jeff Van Norman



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For more information, or to support Opportunity4Kids:





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